How Toxins Make Us Fat & What We Can Do about It

How toxins make us fat and what to do about itThe fact that toxins make us fat has been proven many times. Toxicity and obesity are directly connected with each other, which is one of the reasons so many people struggle with weight loss.

The fast growth in the rate of obesity and type II diabetes in the past few decades has prompted scientists to look into possible causes which extend beyond diet and exercise. Various scientific research experiments have been conducted to establish the link, with very interesting results.

How toxins make us fat

Here is some more data which can be used as proof that exposure to environmental toxins is closely linked to obesity and type II diabetes:

  • “Data from the government’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2002 found a very striking correlation between blood levels of six common persistent organic pollutants (petrochemical toxins) and diabetes. Those who had the highest serum levels of pollutants had a dramatically higher risk for diabetes.” Source
  • A 2008 study in JAMA found that bisphenol A, a petrochemical that lines water bottles and canned food containers, increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and abnormal liver function.  Source
  • “Canadian Aboriginals and Great Lakes sports fishermen both have higher rates of diabetes from eating contaminated seafood. The ubiquitous exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as diphenyl dichloroethene (DDE), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have been linked to obesity and diabetes.”  Source
  • “The “chemical obesogen” hypothesis conjectures that synthetic, environmental contaminants are contributing to the global epidemic of obesity. In fact, intentional food additives (e.g., artificial sweeteners and colours, emulsifiers) and unintentional compounds (e.g., bisphenol A, pesticides) are largely unstudied in regard to their effects on overall metabolic homeostasis. With that said, many of these contaminants have been found to dysregulate endocrine function, insulin signalling, and/or adipocyte function. “ Source

We could continue citing results of various scientific experiments and research, but I believe that this may be sufficient to conclude that toxins we get from food and the environment indeed contribute towards the disruption of our metabolic activity. This doesn’t mean that we should all just accept that environment is the reason for our being overweight/ obese.

It just sheds some light on this complex issue. To deal with obesity effectively, we need to study its possible causes. Lack of exercise, over-eating, and eating junk food still take the first place as the main causes of obesity. However, we need to know that there may be more to it than just these 3 factors.

Detoxification Methods

  •  Diet and nutrition. Introduce phytonutrients into your diet. This includes Brussels sprouts, Bok Choi, wasabi, kale, coriander, turnips, curcumin, radishes, watercress, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, onions. Most of these contain sulphur which binds many toxins in the body.  Also, eat eggs and other protein-based foods. Drink green tea (increases glutathione-s-transferases, contains antioxidants).
  • Supplementation. “The most critical endogenous molecule for detoxification is glutathione. Optimal methylation is required to generate glutathione through the methylation/transsulfuration cycle, making B6, folic acid, and B12 essential. Zinc and selenium also facilitate detoxification as cofactors in the enzymes metallothionein and glutathione peroxidase.  N-acetyl-cysteine increases glutathione and historically has been used to treat depleted glutathione and liver failure from acetaminophen overdose. Milk thistle has long been used in liver disease and increases glutathione. Buffered ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is also critical in detoxification and has been associated with a reduction in lead levels.”  Source
  • Taking care of your gut – make sure that you eat enough fibre. If you suffer from constipation, psyllium husks mixed with water would soften the stool and help to establish regularity.
  • Sun Chlorella, spirulina – are rich in a number of phytonutrients that have been researched for their detoxifying properties and shown to bind heavy metals and other environmental toxins.
  • Chelation therapy – a medical procedure that involves binding heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury, lead, etc, using various chemical agents. This is performed over a course of time in a hospital environment in cases of serious toxicity.
  • Sauna therapy.  “The Environmental Protection Agency has shown that sauna therapy increases excretion of heavy metals (lead; mercury; cadmium; and fat-soluble chemicals such as PCBs, PBBs, and HCBs).” Source
  • Far Infrared Clay Detox Therapy – this works on a much deeper level than normally heated saunas. Far Infrared penetrates deep through the body tissues, stimulating circulation, and tissues into releasing toxins. This is achieved by stimulating metabolic processes in the cells and making the blood move faster, taking toxins away from them, to the organs of elimination – the skin being one of the largest organs performing this function. So the body virtually sweats deep-seated toxins out of itself. The clay does its own magic, by pulling toxins out of the body based on the cation exchange mechanism.

Prevention is better than cure

I believe that there is sufficient proof to conclude that toxins make us fat. How we deal with it is up to us. While some things like environmental damage and our exposure to environmental toxins we are unable to prevent, it is still possible to minimise it, by making wise choices about the food we go for and the water we drink.

  • Drink plenty of purified water. Investing in a water filter is a good start. There are some inexpensive filters online. Making sure that our body doesn’t take even more toxins from the food we eat is also possible.
  • We could start by cutting down on processed food in our diet and opting for foods cooked at home.
  • Eating refined carbohydrates contributes to weight loss and metabolic toxicity.
  • Some of us rely on medicines for every little issue. While in some cases medicines are needed, overusing medication leads to all sorts of problems which leads to increased toxicity within our body.
  • Stress is one of the biggest producers of metabolic toxins. Learning to deal with stress efficiently will help with weight loss without any doubt, even by reducing the number of stress hormones circulating in the body.
  • Lack of exercise contributes to the accumulation of toxins in our bodies. So the more we move around, the better!
  • Using natural remedies for common health problems is a great way to start weaning ourselves off medications.
  • Supplementing our diet with magnesium will help to deal with metabolic deficiency, diabetes and lack of energy. Transdermal supplementation with magnesium oil and Epsom salt baths is the best and fastest method.
  • Using a Far Infrared Magnesium or Weight Loss wrap once a week would help to detoxify the body and supplement it with much-needed magnesium.

While it is true that toxins make us fat, there are many things we can do to not only detoxify ourselves but also prevent toxicity in the first place.


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